Our services for changes in operation (modifications)

When modifying machinery, a risk assessment must be performed to determine whether new hazards or increased risks arise.


Risk assessment

In accordance with applicable directives, the manufacturer of a machine is required to perform a risk assessment. This also applies to operating companies if a modification or an extension to a machine results in a ‘significant change’. Our experts support you in identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risks, and defining risk-reducing measures.

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“CE marking of machines” status check

The manufacturer must comply with and document the requirements of the Machinery Directive when designing and constructing machinery. This is confirmed by the EU Declaration of Conformity and the CE marking. We check the documentation for completeness and give recommendations on how any deviations can be corrected.

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Conformity assessment in accordance with the Machinery Directive

The European Machinery Directive defines the procedure for the design and construction of machines for satisfying the applicable safety and health protection requirements. This is a prerequisite for the EU Declaration of Conformity and the CE marking. We help you comply with and implement the legal requirements of the Machinery Directive.

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Safety concept and design

Risk reduction measures are defined as part of the risk assessment. The safety concept and the safety functions are developed on the basis of these measures. With our extensive industry knowledge and our many years of experience in safety technology, we create practical concept proposals for you and support you in their implementation.

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Verification and validation of safety functions

To avoid errors when implementing safety functions, the correct and complete design of the safety functions must be verified according to the specifications. The performance of the safety function is then to be validated through function tests and error simulations. We support you during the planning and execution of the measures as well as with the preparation of the required documentation.

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Start-up support

Typical tasks during the commissioning of safety sensors are optimum alignment, configuration and parameterization. Our experienced service technicians support you as needed depending on the application and sensors used. Commissioning can thereby be performed quickly and reliably. We also help to minimize downtime when replacing a device or changing the device type.

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Inspection of protective devices

As part of the initial or regular inspection, we check the condition, mounting and function of the protective devices as well as their integration in the safe part of the machine control. We summarize the results of the tests in a detailed report.


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Stopping time measurement

To calculate the required safety distance between the protective device and dangerous movement, the stopping time of the machine must be known. We use the stopping time measurement to reliably determine this parameter, thus enabling the correct positioning of the protective device. By measuring the stopping time as part of regular inspections, any wear, such as on engine brakes, can be detected in good time.

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