Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
In der Braike 1
73277 Owen
Register court: Stuttgart district court
Register number: HRA 230712
Personally liable shareholder:
Leuze Geschäftsführungs-GmbH
In der Braike 1
73277 Owen
Register court: Stuttgart district court
Register number: HRB 230550
Executive management:
Salvatore Buccheri, Dr. Klaus-Henning Grönzin, Helge Held
Phone: +49 7021 573-0
Fax: +49 7021 573-199
Tax identification number:
Business purpose:
Sale and distribution of products for business customers.
Hosting Provider:
ScanPlus GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 5-7
D 89081 Ulm/Donau
Phone: +49 731 92013-0
The content of this website was prepared with great care and based on our current knowledge. It is, however, for information purposes only and is not legally binding provided the information in question is not legally required. We reserve the right to change or delete content in part or in whole provided contractual obligations remain unaffected.
Links to external websites:
Content on external websites to which we link directly or indirectly lies outside of our area of responsibility and we assume no liability for it. The provider of the linked websites assumes all liability for all content and particularly for damages that result from the use of information that can be accessed in the linked websites.
All content presented on this website, such as text, photographs, graphics, brands and trademarks, is protected by the respective property rights (copyright, trademark rights). The use, reproduction, etc., are subject to our rights or the rights of the respective creator or right-holder.
Indications of legal violations:
Should you notice legal violations in our website contents, please inform us. We will remove illegal content and links as soon as violations become known.
German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
Communication internal reporting platform (§ 14 para. 1 HinSchG)
Communication complaints platform (§ 8 LkSG)
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co KG and its affiliated companies within the meaning of the AktG ("Leuze Group") have delegated to Compliance Officer Services Legal, attorney Stephan Rheinwald, the task of the (outsourced) internal reporting platform within the meaning of Section 14 (1) HinSchG.
As part of the compliance management system, the internal reporting platform receives information from employees, customers and business partners of the Leuze Group regarding violations of the law and other compliance violations by companies of the Leuze Group.
All information will be treated in strict confidence and the identity of the whistleblower will be kept confidential. Whistleblowers can remain anonymous if they wish.
In addition, the internal reporting platform also acts as a complaints platform within the meaning of Section 8 LkSG.
The complaints platform receives complaints about violations of human rights and environmental due diligence obligations by companies of the Leuze Group or by suppliers of companies of the Leuze Group.
Incoming complaints are processed in accordance with the "Leuze SOP for the complaint procedure according to LkSG (German Supply Chain Act)".
The complaints platform is available for employees as well as for customers, business partners and suppliers of Leuze Group companies.
Information/complaints can be submitted in person and by telephone in German and English. Information can be submitted in text form in all languages.
You can reach the internal reporting/complaints platform using the following contact details:
Compliance Officer Services Legal
Attorney Stephan Rheinwald
Telemannstraße 22, 53173 Bonn
Phone: 0228/ 35036291
Fax: 0228/ 35036292
Anonymous reports to the internal reporting platform can also be submitted via the following link: