Measuring and testing – machine safety guaranteed
Safety at work is the employer's responsibility and, therefore, the “boss’s business”. Regular testing of the protective devices ensure compliance with the required safety and quality standards. When performing safety-related measurements and tests with their own personnel, companies are often pushed to their limits. Staff must have the necessary knowledge of the procedure and execution of the tests as well as the appropriate equipment for the measurements. In Germany, the Industrial Safety Ordinance and the technical rules for operational safety also set a strict framework as far as personnel qualification requirements are concerned.
Our experienced service technicians support you on-site with these tasks. They are qualified to carry out tests and are always up to date with the latest technology thanks to regular training. The consistently high quality of our tests and corresponding documentation is ensured by the database-supported questionnaire we have developed.

Inspection of protective devices
As part of the initial or regular inspection, we check the condition, mounting and function of the protective devices as well as their integration in the safe part of the machine control. We summarize the results of the tests in a detailed report.

Stopping time measurement
To calculate the required safety distance between the protective device and dangerous movement, the stopping time of the machine must be known. We use the stopping time measurement to reliably determine this parameter, thus enabling the correct positioning of the protective device. By measuring the stopping time as part of regular inspections, any wear, such as on engine brakes, can be detected in good time.