
Access guarding on multi-track transport systems

From risk assessment to validation: our safety solutions provide complete solutions for your systems. Our expert teams’ innovative safety concepts ensure efficient material flow, gapless safety and high availability of your system. Even in applications where classic concepts are pushed to their limits. Always with legal certainty, CE certification and compliance with standards. This makes implementation particularly easy for you. 
Multiple-track transport systems often span over many meters. Conventional safety concepts then require a great deal of effort to safeguard the danger zone. In practice, the lack of economical safety concepts leads to compromises that demand a high level of individual responsibility and discipline by the operating personnel. Safety-related gaps are especially likely to occur during material outfeed, e.g., alongside the active track. It would then technically be possible for the operating personnel to enter the danger zone during the transport process. If additional organizational safety measures are taken, the system capacity can thereby often be reduced as well.

Our safety solution for multiple-track transport systems is optimized especially for these application cases. With minimal installation effort, its innovative safety concept guarantees gapless safety and high system utilization. 

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Our safety solution for multiple-track transport systems is optimized especially for these application cases. With minimal installation effort, its innovative safety concept guarantees gapmless safety and high system utilization.


Access guarding takes place via two vertically oriented safety laser scanners. The safety system receives information from the system control as to which track the pallet is being output on and adjusts the protective field for the pallet’s passage accordingly. The entire process is monitored for safety.

Operating principle:

Two safety laser scanners produce a vertical protective field that is installed in front of the danger zone of the transport system. For the track on which the material is to be output, a release signal is sent by the PLC just before the protective field is reached. The safety solution then releases a window of predefined size in the protective field for the desired track through which the material can be transported without interruption. All other tracks continue to be safeguarded by the protective field. After the material has passed through the opened protective field window, the protective field is again reset to its original state.

Advantages for you

  • Continuous monitoring of the entire transfer area for up to 10 tracks and width of up to 9 m
  • Gapless safety during the transport cycles
  • High reliability and availability
  • Optimum protection against manipulation
  • No additional trigger sensors necessary
  • Easily retrofittable


System components and safety parameters


Safety sensors: RSL 400 safety laser scanner

System control: MSI 400 safety control

Leuze safety program

PL d in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, SILCL 2 in accordance with IEC 62061

2-channel safety output

Safety Solutions - Flyer (PDF, ~0.8 MB)
Access guarding on multi-track transport systems