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Product overview

Product overview 2023/2024 (PDF, ~5 MB)
US-Product overview 2023/2024 (PDF, ~5 MB)
Product overview 2021/2022 (PDF, ~10 MB)
Product overview 2020/2021 (PDF, ~13 MB)

Product Guide
Line Card
Product portfolio
Safety portfolio

Product information

Serie 33C und 35 C - Edelstahlsensoren - Produktinformation (PDF, ~1 MB)
3C Series - Photoelectric sensors and diffuse sensors - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
10 Series - Measuring and switching distance sensors - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
18B Series - Retro-reflective photoelectric sensors for transparent media - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
GSX 14E - Combined fork sensor - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
25 Series - Photoelectric sensors and diffuse sensors - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
DRT 25C – Dynamic reference diffuse sensors - Flyer (PDF, ~ 1 MB)
LS25B.2 - Throughbeam photoelectric sensors - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
46C Series - Photoelectric sensors and diffuse sensors - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
49C Series - AC/DC all mains voltage sensor - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Global Beam - Standard sensors - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
Inductive switches - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
Capacitive sensors - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
KRT 18B - Color mark sensor - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
LPS/LES/LRS - Light section sensors - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Measuring and switching light curtains - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Measuring and switching ultrasonic sensors - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
15, 25C and 46C Series - Standard sensors - Quick Start Guide (PDF, ~2 MB)

FBPS 600i - Safe bar code positioning system - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
Optical distance sensors - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
10 Series - Measuring and switching distance sensors - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
ROD4 and ROD4plus - Measuring laser distance sensors - Product information (PDF, ~2 MB)
LPS/LES/LRS - Light section sensors - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Measuring and switching light curtains - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Measuring and switching ultrasonic sensors - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
BPS 300i 8 - Bar code positioning system - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
AMS 100i - The most compact positioning system on the market - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
AMS 300i - Laser distance measurement device - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
OGS 600 - Sensors for optical guidance - Flyer (PDF, ~2 MB)

Zugangssicherung an Paletten-Gruppierer/ Entgruppierer
Zugangssicherung an Materialausgabestation
Zugangssicherung an Schubskid-Transferbereich
Bidirektionale FTS-Schleuse zur Zugangssicherung
Safety - Product overview (PDF, ~7 MB)
Safety Solutions - Flyer (PDF, ~0.8 MB)
RSL 400 - Safety laser scanner - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
Guarding of feed points - Safety solutions - Flyer (~0.6 MB)
Optical safety sensors for point-of-operation and access guarding - Product overview (PDF, ~ 3 MB)
ELC 100 - Safety light curtains - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
MLC 530 SPG - Safety light curtains - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
LBK - Safety radar system - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
Safety switches, safety locking devices, safety proximity sensors, and safety command devices - Product overview (PDF, ~3 MB)
MSI - Safety controls and safety relays - Product information (PDF, ~4 MB)
MSI - Safety relays - Selector (PDF, ~2 MB)
MSI 400 – Safety controls - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Machine Safety Services - Service and support for all aspects of machine safety (PDF, ~3 MB)

Identification - Product overview (PDF, ~3 MB)

DDLS - Data transmission photoelectric sensors - Product information (PDF, ~3 MB)
MD7 system - IO-Link master - Flyer (PDF, ~3 MB)

LCAM 408i - Industrial IP camera - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
IVS 108, IVS 1048i/ DCR 1048i - Simple Vision Sensor - Produktinformation (PDF)
ACR 300i - Vision sensor - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)
IPS 200i/400i - Kamerabasierter Positionssensor - Flyer (PDF, ~2 MB)
IVS108 - Simple Vision Sensor - Produktinformation (PDF ~ 1 MB)
IVS 1048i/DCR1048i - Simple Vision Sensor - Produktinformation (PDF, ~ 3MB)

Power supplies - Product information
A7 - Modular signal lamps - Product information (PDF, ~1 MB)
Cables and sensor distribution boxes - Product overview (PDF, ~2 MB)
The dual channel principle - Flyer (PDF, ~1 MB)

Industry brochures

Automotive industry brochure (PDF, ~8 MB)

Intralogistics industry brochure (PDF, ~6 MB)

Laboratory analysis industry brochure (PDF, ~11 MB)

Packaging technology industry brochure (PDF, ~9 MB)

Tool manufacturing industry brochure (PDF, ~5 MB)

White Paper

Dual Channel

Bar code recognition – chapter 1
Bar code recognition – chapter 2
Bar code recognition – chapter 3
Bar code recognition

Risk assessment

Safe positioning monitoring

IPS200i/400i – Camera-based positioning sensors

Smart Process Gating white paper

Smart Sensor Business 4.0

What actually is blanking? – Safety dictionary

What actually is muting? – Safety dictionary