Our services for operating companies

As an operating company, you are responsible for the safety of your machines.

We provide you with support during the regular hazard assessment and test the function of the protective devices.

Status check "Safety technology on machines and systems"

Our experts analyze the safety-related condition of your machinery and check whether the current safety-related requirements are satisfied in accordance with the current state of the art. In the event of deviations, we provide recommendations on what corrections can be performed so as to comply with legal requirements.

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Hazard assessment

The Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, BetrSichV) includes the legal requirement for employers that a hazard assessment be conducted before work equipment is used and that this be updated at regular intervals according to the current state of the art. Our experts support you in conducting the hazard assessment and with the subsequent documentation.

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Verification and validation of safety functions

To avoid errors during the implementation of safety functions, the correct and complete design of the safety functions is to be verified according to the specifications.
The performance of the safety function is then to be validated through function tests and error simulations. We support you during the planning and execution of the measures as well as with the creation of the required documentation.

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Inspection of protective devices

Within the scope of the initial or regular inspection, we check the condition, mounting and correct function of the protective device as well as correct integration in the safe part of the machine control. The results of the tests are summarized in a detailed report. If necessary, this includes practically oriented suggestions on how deviations can be corrected.


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Stopping time measurement

To calculate the required minimum distance between protective device and dangerous movement, the stopping time of the machine must be known. With the stopping time measurement, we determine this value reliably. This allows proper placement of the protective device. By measuring the stopping time within the scope of regular inspections, any wear, such in brake components, can be detected in good time.

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