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자세히 알아보기 

Technology report: Clear view guaranteed with vision sensors

2024. 12. 17. | 기술
Three aspects of sensor technology are particularly important in image processing for industrial automation: performance, flexibility and usability. Simple Vision sensors meet these requirements. They are as easy to operate as optical sensors, plus they are as powerful as camera systems. The Sensor People from Leuze offer this concept as a quick and straightforward introduction to vision technology.

Technology report: AutoID-Technology - quo vadis?

2024. 9. 9. | 기술
Automatic identification systems such as 1D/2D-code and RFID readers are tried-and-tested, indispensable technologies for controlling industrial production processes and logistics workflows in the supply chain. At the same time, Industry 4.0 and IIoT have put digitization at the focus of advancing automation. What demands will in future be placed on modern identification systems? Has the classic reader, which forwards a code via a serial interface to a control, become obsolete?

Technology report: RFID or bar code?

2022. 10. 10. | 기술
Two identification technologies – RFID and bar code – are competing for the favor of users: With the promise of making a decisive contribution to realizing an automated transparent production and supply chain to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0. But which technology is the right one today? Has the bar code outlived its purpose? This article takes stock of the current situation with respect to modern identification technologies and casts a critical eye over each of them.